Monday, December 19, 2011

Hello :)

Moein! Since the presentation has been done, here's a little resumé of my work in Confederation of the Portuguese Community in Luxembourg (CCPL), the association the three of us are working.
The objective is to organize activities to be developed in the Mediateca of Caixa Geral de Depósitos, a portuguese bank that has a partnership with CCPL. Until now, we organized some activities to be done in 2012.
I'm also a part of CCPL's Theatre Group, where I participated in two big projects, one of them called "Imaginário Teatral ao Serviço da Realidade Social" (theatre imaginary in service of social reality) where I worked with children with mental and phisical disabilities; and a theatre play with the group who consists of amateur actors, intituled "Um dia a casa vai abaixo" (one day the house will fall), which is a comedy.
Another thing I do is to give support to the library of Ettelbruck Parents Association, where I help in the books database and organization.
For now, this has been my job here, although I help with a bit of everything when needed :)

Catarina Pereira

Me in "Cuisine du Monde" (World Cuisine), a monthly event

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